Monday, January 01, 2007

Next Reading

Matt sent me the following e-mail:

Each play is about 12-15 pages long, but - at least, for me - each page shall take a harder tyme to reade for it was wrot' in an olde form of Aenglish. Furthermore, although I agree that reading more is better in some ways, I'd also like the opportunity to read through each selection two or three times before the discussion, and I don't think I'll have the time to do so if we read both of these plays. Lastly, according to The Great Ideas Program, "It is unfair to Antigone to read it in conjunction with Oedipus the King. It is almost certain to be compared with the other tragedy; and what should be considered as a superb tragedy in its own right will probably always suffer by comparison with Oedipus the King." In other words, it seems these two plays were only juxtaposed because they are in the same genre, but there doesn't seem to be a common idea which unifies their plots.

For these reasons, I think it would be best to split up the readings.
I think everyone would agree. So, we will officially limit the reading to Oedipus the King.


Matt said...

For those who read this blog: apparently, when Yehudah upgraded to the new version of the blogger, my name on the previous posts - perhaps all posts (?) - was changed to anonymous. Unless you hear otherwise, assume "anonymous" posts were posted by Matt.

Yehuda said...

What if someone else posts as anonymous in the future? What should we think? This whole mess is a bit frightening. Perhaps somewhere embedded in the name anonymous is a remez to Matt. Maybe we should contact the blogger people (who are now run by Google) - and give them a piece of our minds (or intellect? - is that possible?). We must ask them why they like Kenbot more than Matt. Is it something philosophical or mundane?

Seriously, sorry for the inconvenience. All "anonymous"s prior to this time and date are officially authored by Matt.

Yehuda said...

Upon further inspection I have come to realize that Google does not have a kenbot bias. So I must revise what was said in the previous comment: all "anonymous"s prior to this time and date are either authored by Matt or Kenbot (if you are interested you will have to figure it out for yourself - who knows you might have fun; perhaps future generations will debate this very point).

Mindy Schaper said...

Well- you got me to look up kenbot. :)